Sanumare Marine Algae Products for the agriculture

SANUMARE MARINE ALGAE PRODUCTS for the agriculture provide a sustainable method to cultivate biological crops without the application of chemical agents. Our natural algae products are therefore the ideal aid for the organic farmer. Nonetheless do also conventional farmers appreciate the effects of SANUMARE products as a complement to their presently used methods to improve soil, fight insect attacks, prevent bacterial contaminations and mold, increase output and improve the overall healthiness of plants and livestock. It can be utilized at the same time with liquid pesticides or fertilizers and avoid extra work steps. As a supplement to animal feed it will improve the healthiness and appearance of the breed and has various other positive effects as explained under Sanumare Livestock Supplement.

SANUMARE contains over 60 minerals and trace elements, 21 amino acids, more than 12 vitamines incl. A, B12, C and E as well as Thiamin and others. It is very rich especially in Iodine and the Antisterility Vitamin E or Tocopherol.

Already small quantities of SANUMARE have a strong impact on plant development and soil improvement. SANUMARE contains no noxious residues and is a German made organic product. It will improve yield for the farmers in an uncomplicated, low cost and natural way.

To learn more about our various products and their positive effects please visit our general product page and/or choose one of the below product links which you can also find on the right hand side:

Soil treatment and soil improvement of eroded and contaminated even extremely depleted soils.

To improve of root development, plant growth and plant nutrition as well as increased harvested crop.

To apply a protective breathable membrane shield to the green parts of the plant to keep insects and other threats away and regulate the plants
transpiration under extreme climatic conditions.

To provide the plants with a balanced level of minerals, vitamins, trace- and other important elements to strengthen immune system and adjust insufficiencies in soil quality. Improved quality and quantity of yield under application of less fungicides and pesticides.

To complete the insufficiencies in animal feed for livestock and poultry. Strengthen the immune system of livestock. Improved animal feed conversion and better meat quality.